Quickie today cause I feel that i've been neglecting this little guy. I don't have anything really in order, so yet again, if you can't follow this, I promise, it's not because you have reading comprehension problems, it's the subject material.

Ever feel like you wish you could push pause & change your settings like in a video game? Because thems is my feelings right now. I have a sinus cold which is spreading into my ears, which means I'll probably have an ear infection by my birthday (Thursday, if you are wondering. Extravagant gifts are welcome) and the pressure is making my teeth hurt, our apartment thinks we don't have renters insurance because our provider can't get their shit together and automatically collect our payment on time and then forgets to tell our office that Oh Yeah! They Paid!, so our office thinks we're gonna have to pay them 75 bucks for not having it (hahahahahahahah hint: no we're not), I have so much crap to do at work on Monday it's not even funny, people on FB are going on vacation and big honeymoons and have houses and I'm like 'Um, so can I afford to get a 2 dollar cheesburger? No? Ok then", The same line from a show I'm watching keeps getting stuck in my head, we've been watching Phantom of the Opera and I can't sing without coughing and I can't get up as high as I usually do because of my stupid cold and I am frustrated.  AND I keep having celebrity sex dreams. That last one isn't so bad but when reality sucks so bad it's just mean.

If I could stop and pause, I could think through decisions with Mr. Logic (Cody), and come up with the best options for things. Instead it feels like when you get running really really fast on a treadmill and your feet freak out and you're just stumbling and trying to keep yourself from biting it and you over compensate and you bite it and slide backward into the wall and hope that you don't see yourself on YouTube.

I'm aware, my life isn't honestly that bad. I have an apartment, and a job (one I hate, but i have it so there's that), and a guy who will stick with me no matter how cranky I get and try to make things better.

I love that this blog started out with great promise and now it's this. Ah, just like my life!


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