You Say Boring, I say Consistent

Happy St. Patrick's day! I celebrated by staying in my pajamas all day, making a green meal, & eating a homemade shamrock reeses mcflurry made by my slave husband Cody. I am the picture of health AND glamour. Watch for me on the cover of Vogue Italia next month.

     The day consisted of Bub & I finishing our 1000 piece puzzle and me looking up houses while lounging on the couch, while he did the laundry & played Skyrim. The puzzle only took us about a week and a half, and cost us not only precious coffee table/foot rest space, but my patience and sanity. Clearly, this kind of day would bother me, if today was opposite day. I mostly enjoy mundane activities. Like I said in my last post, I may be the most boring human alive. I don't know about the rest of you people, but I would rather lounge than go bungee jumping or something. Excitement is low down there on my lists of things that I need. I didn't even study abroad (although I have regrets...another post for another time).

    Everyone comes into work on Monday with a good story from the weekend. Like, even the most wet blankety of our group has a good Friday/Saturday night story "Man, I had to kick the crap out of 3 girls from the bar IN A VAN" "My fiancee & I made homemade ravioli all from scratch and then hosted a dinner party" "My grandma died and my allergies are back" "*Viatnamese half-english mumblespeak*" I come in like "Um....I put on a bra on Sunday afternoon..." (which, let's not kid ourselves, is half the time a giant lie) If people gave out rewards for consistency, I would get the gold.

    It is, however, obviously easier to go out and do things when it's nicer. I have a whole list of things that I want to do, once it's consistently above 50 degrees out. And since I'm apparently going to turn this into a list based blog, here you go.

10 Things Kirstie Plans On Doing This Summer As To Not Make Herself Nearly As Boring (While Still Living A Humdrum Life)

  1. Make more crafts. I literally cannot just sit and watch a movie or TV show...I need to do something with my hands. Good thing I have about 45 unfinished projects in the apartment now...
  2. Go on walkies more. My coworkers have this awful habit of going to the gym and actually working out. I figure if I start walking more, maybe that'll motivate me to jog, and then I can at least talk about running with them? Plus also, you know, added bonus of not looking like a hot mess in shorts.
  3. Go to Grey's Lake. There are a plethora of people there, so not only am I getting walkies and some color to my skin (working indoors is killing my chances of being mistaken as Jennifer Lopez), but there are so many "so, I was walking at Grey's Lake, and I saw this dude doing...-insert weird thing here-"
  4. Visit my friends. I have been the crappiest friend because of my love for sloth. If I, you know, exit my apartment once in a while, I will have stories to tell. Plus, a few of my friends have new places, and my cousin has a puppy that I need to give snuggles to, so this is a thing that needs to happen.
  5. NOT YOU. 
  6. Find my gym. Like I said in 2, my coworkers are thin and work out, and talk about this almost every day. I miss having a trainer (ah, when I was still just as poor, but cared less), so it would be nice to lift weights again. I'd like to have more upper body strength to outpower my husband even more
  7. Learn something new. I don't remember the last time I've learned a new skill. As to what skill I'd like to learn...I've no idea. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe learn to write more better?
  8. Make my annual pilgrimage to the thriving Lee County Fair. I missed my lemon shake ups & funnel cake, and also being around people who are really really nice, but stuck hair-wise in the 80s. It's a great hair based pick me up, and a wonderful place to glean ideas for " i saw this weird person doing this weird thing" type conversations.
  9. Do something different with my hair. I've been thinking for quite a while on lightening my hair--not blonde because please, I would look like Richard Gere. I'm looking more at a light brown. Changes in physical appearance always bring up conversation.
  10. Cooking more. I have not been the Iron Chef in this household. Cody is the one who usually cooks, and does an excellent job at it (even if he does give me the blankest of blank looks when I ask him for the colander). Not only does it give one a topic to talk about, but you get the added bonuses of adding to your cooking skill (i miss playing The Sims), and being provided nutrients to live!
  11. Find new music. Maybe this is a byproduct of being boring, or the reason behind it, but I am a creature of habit. I have 1 CD in my car right now and I am perfectly okay with that. I did, however, find a station on Pandora that has stuff that I usually don't listen to, and it is literally the most relaxing wonderful station. This gives me hope, in that when I venture out of my Josh Groban themed box, it won't all be Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, and Carly Rae Jepsen. I really want some good non-radio played music--so if you have a band or artist you adore, let me know!!! I will probably love it. 
As an FYI, and a reminder to myself, I'll attempt do this more than weekly, because right now I have plenty of ideas. Themes, however, would be totally appreciated. I'm working on my "Thousand words about anything" skill. =)


  1. Ooh, I can fulfill number 10! Look into ZZ Ward. Her "Til the Casket Drops" is damn near flawless. I think Adele meets Memphis Tennessee. If that makes any sense.


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