Dusting Cobwebs

I'm not dead. I mean, obviously...you're reading this and I can assure you it's not FROM BEYONNNNND. Also check out my Facebook, Twitter, & Tumblr. I've been busy. (and by busy I mean I have been making a pretty solid dent on the couch)

I just never feel like I have anything of worth to say. I have lots of little nuggets that get 3 likes on FB and liked by my cousin & one friend on Twitter (SHOUT OUT TO LINDSI & KRISTEN HAYY), but nothing of importance. I could write about how I'm also never on my computer anymore...mostly because it won't charge unless the nubbin for the port is in the EXACT right spot so parking it in front of the tee vee isn't so much an option anymore, but also because I have a smart phone. Finally, I have joined the technology age. Yes, I am 73 years old, actually.

Other things I have been up to:

  1. Futzing around on my new phone. Things I hate about it: not able to text and drive as well (THANKS, APPLE), the fact that if I drop it (as i am prone to do) (I am clumsy & forgetful in a non endearing way) it will shatter and I will gather its remains and weep over a series of 4 days. Things I love about it: literally everything else. IT IS A DRUG.
  2. Stressing out about other people's lives. My life, currently, is boring and predictable and stable and by God i am more than okay with that. Other people around me...not so much. It is a fact of my genetic makeup that I stress out about things that I can do nothing about. 
  3.  Hoping my info didn't get stolen in the Target heist. Apparently the 40 gajilion other people who shopped at Target the last month are too, because both Cody & I have tried to call multiple times the last couple days and we're getting a busy signal. Like...if your call center is so busy that literally ALL of your people are on the phone...you had a massive security breach, bros. Get it together.
  4. Gaining weight. So...had to take a break from the gym for some reason or another and obviously to my brain that meant "You Never Want To Go Back Again Ever" so I need to pull my head out of my ass and get it together. Other people love the gym..I can't get myself to go. #bitter
  5. Trying to buy a house. This is frustrating, because as fun as they make it look on House Hunters, it is THE WORST. Turns out, when you don't have 450,000 to spend on a summer home in Maui, looking at houses turns into a "well this 6'x6' square bathroom that hasn't been updated since 1976 isn't AWFUL..." "Oh, the floor is only rotted out in this one part! I mean, that won't be more than a couple thousand to replace so you know...doable" I could go on, but I may save that for another post if I don't forget Blogger exists.
Just...bear with me here. I'm going to try to start doing this again because it's nice to utilize my writing skillz in a manner other than "hey ______ this test failed i'll try doing it again tomorrow haha". Also I'm trying my hand in fanfic but I suck at it and I will probably never put it up anywhere but dammit you can't say I didn't try.


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