4 Simple Goals

   The crapton of snow we just got last night makes me realize...holy crap, it's December!! Well, that, and the fact I want to fling myself off a bridge onto a plane heading somewhere, ANYWHERE southern. Everyone else is thinking about parties and booze and gifts & mistletoe & shit, and I'm just thinking about all of the error codes I'm gonna have to put down on my documents at work for the first 3 to 4 months out of the year because I'm derpy enough to not remember it's 2014. Also, for a smaller proportion of time, I'm thinking about resolutions.

   There's some statistic (probably) saying that most resolutions are dead by the end of January, if not sooner. Well, obviously I do want to make some goals for myself, and I don't want them to be dead by January because what the hell is the point, then? Most resolutions are lofty, grandiose statements that are (probably) 50% goal & 50% "i want to impress the person who's asking me what my resolutions are", like "I'm going to lose weight this year!" "I'm going to quit smoking!" "I'm going to stop punching people in the head who like Justin Beiber!" (Author's note: That one is okay to forget about by January).

  The problem with these, while being good goals, are that they're too general. I mean, you could lose a pound the last week of December and you've met your goal, technically, but that result was probably not what you're looking for. So while browsing one of my favorite blogs, I came across a post by one of the main bloggers. Instead of doing a big, traditional, easy to forget resolution, she did 4 simple goals for her year.  I will copy her rules (and obviously link to her blog) because this is totally what I'm doing this year.

Four Simple Goals
1. Choose simple goals that will make your life richer and happier on a daily basis. Choose things you may not otherwise get done but are not difficult to accomplish. 
2. Do not choose result oriented goals. Choose activity oriented goals. For example, instead of "lose 10 pounds", choose something like "eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day". Get what I'm saying? Positive actions instead of just the end result! 
3. Choose personal goals you believe will truly make your life richer just by doing them! They can be daily, weekly or one time experiences. 
4. Choose a reward for each goal as it is accomplished! It can be a small or large reward—it's up to you. 
5. Blog about your goals, each one as you achieve it and a big post when they are all finished before the new year! Be sure to leave us a link to your blog in the comments section. I'll be sure to share my experiences in a follow-up post before the new year.
    Obviously the blog thing is optional, but I would love to see your guys's goals, and how they're progressing throughout the year! Mine are as follows.
and a bonus 5th goal is to try to update the blog at least weekly...but we'll see how that goes. My goals are more life improvement & memory making because those things are important to me, and I know this year will be more exciting than last year, with one of my best friends due in February, and Cody & I buying a house in the near future, which could lead to a dog...so I will try!! 
Also having put these goals out for the world to see makes me more likely to try harder doing them. I would suggest you do the same. Put it out on Facebook, write it on Twitter, tell your friends, parents, dog, whatever. Four small goals that won't take up too much time in your life, but will make it better. Think about it. =)


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