Treats and Snoozin', Snoozin' & Treats

     Sorry, to those of you who live and breathe my words of wisdom, that I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately. They say to write about what you know, and I am finding that the things I know are things that nobody else really cares about (other than my family and even that is shifty sometimes). I'm either a hipster, or really boring. I'm going to go with really boring, because even though I've got my big black frames and poor posture, and liked Josh Groban before he was cool and enjoy irony and converses & plaid & have a strong penchant for DIY & scarves...maybe I am a hipster. But a boring one. That was the general gist of this first paragraph, I think. Go with it.
I like everything about this.  Is there a Hipster Anon meeting I can go to somewhere?

     I was thinking about interview questions while at work the other day (what the hell else am I supposed to be doing? working? please). My number 2 hated question is "what hobbies do you have?" (number one is "what are your strengths/weaknesses"? Um...everything?) Anyway, I would like to say I have all sorts of hobbies & activities, and that I volunteer at a shelter for footless 3 legged puppies. Instead, I sit there quietly, with a panicked look on my face, & come up with "Internet?".

     I posed this statement to my mom, and she came up with all sorts of things that I do. I believe I looked at her blankly. I guess I do DIY projects, and I'm a JGro enthusiast, but can I really say "Oh man, I listen to Josh Groban like, every day, and worship his hair, and follow @joshgroban, @sweeneygroban, AND @joshgrobanspants on Twitter, and also sometimes I draw pictures of him and I have been known to make pillows and a shadow box of our wedding. By our, I mean my actual real life husband, (oh yeah I go on walks with him sometimes too) but I could make one of mine & Groban's too if you wanted."

" Stop sending me nude photos and locks of your hair. I don't want anymore of your edible gift baskets or listen to any of those sonnets you wrote. Here's a restraining order" 
I should probably become an expert in something other than Josh Groban because that turns kinda creepy kind of fast.

Now you're saying "where's the list? I've become accustomed to lists and I will revolt if there is not a list!"'s a torch, and a pitchfork. It's cold, and it's May 1st and that's stupid and I am mad about it and it's a freakin' Wednesday, and who likes Wednesdays? NO ONE. THAT'S WHO. Also, Gilmore Girls is on, and Paris is weeping about having sex and not getting into Harvard so I am pretty focused on that. Obviously I am a quality and well organized blogger. Anyone with regrets yet? Everyone? Okay then. Til next poorly organized blog entry, then, bloggies!

(ps if you haven't watched any Marcel The Shell with Shoes on you need to)


  1. Wednesdays are the worst day of the week after Mondays.

    1. Pretty much every day that isn't Friday afternoon, Saturday, or Sunday sucks.


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