Tater, tots!

I don't have a topic, or any amount of brain tonight, so a jumble post it is. I know that's what you were hoping for. Complete and utter bollocks.

1) Thanksgiving has come and gone and so have the regrets I had for eating as much as I did. This is my IDGAF face. You can't see me, but trust that I have this face ._. I made pie crust cookies and pumpkin pie and that theme is why I am the way I am. Body by carbs!

2) I'm not irreparably broken, so far!! Kind of was 100% sure I was only going to be a dog mom for the rest of my life which, I mean, at least dogs give you some sort of affection and are excited to see you. Kind of want a human baby in addition to the furry kind but for now, apparently, that's all I get. But maybe in 2 months we'll know more, and maybe I'll have a kid by next Christmas? I have to pretend to stay positive. I also may or may not have bought a gender neutral duckie onesie. SHUT UP

3) There is a chick at work who is super nutso Christian. She tries to convert every unsuspecting new tech we get...most of them are stupid enough to get sucked in to her "oh, my church group is having a jazz and coffee thing on Saturday if you wanted to come!" And then it's jazzy 'why women should be subservient to men: a bible study'. Anyway, she just got married earlier this year and she's already knocked up because God forbid you don't start seed spreading as soon as you get married. I have a problem with that, but it's not my life. So she has this kid, she's in the middle of her second trimester, and a) she had hardly told anyone because she didn't want the focusn to be on her, just her perfect gift from God & b) she's still running tests her manager told her not to because she's a giant idiot. Well, you know if your kid comes out with a few extra fingers and toes and some developmental issues, can't say your boss didn't warn you. I want to shove her down a flight of stairs.  Some people (me) would do anything to keep that kid inside you safe (assuming you wanted it whoch for sake of brevity lets just say we do). It's also the last time that you can get all the focus on you...cause after baby is on the outside nobody gives a shit about mom for a solid long time.

4) dieting. Not so much happening, and especially not this evening because we have no meat thawed, no garlic bread, I don't want spaghetti without garlic bread, no actual bread that I could make a grilled cheese or whatever on, turkey wraps are pretty much all I've been having for lunch the last couple weeks, and I don't want scrambled eggs because that is my breakfast when I'm not running 15 minutes behind. We have no food. Kind of just waiting until it's an appropriate time to fall asleep so I can just bypass food making so I have one less thing to do.

5) Archer is sleeping and twitching at the end of the couch and seriously I could watch that dumb dog all day. I love that turd so much!! And he loves me more than Cody/daddy which just warms the icy cockles of my heart. He loves Cody too, but he chooses to spend his time with me which is just tits.

6) anyone else make the mistake of sitting down after work and then end up staying in that exact position the rest of the night? Cause that's me. I am making an ass shaped dent in the couch and I have no interest in getting up or doing anything unless I'm inspired to cobble together some food.

7) I should totally clean my living room, it's a mess of bills and things to be recycled and things I need to find a home for and cups and half finished Christmas gift baskets...it's like I'm living in a mini tornado without all the wind and head injuries. That was a horrible analogy but just take it as it is because I can't think of anything better, nor can you. Also shut up.

8) Need a way to pass the time while waiting for your lives to regenerate in Farm Heroes Saga? Write a horrible blog post that won't get posted to Facebook because you'll totally forget to do it and then just say screw it because anyone that wanted to read it probably has your blog on their favorites and if not theyll read this while scrolling after clicking on the next post which will probably have more substance (hahahahahahahahahah)


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