(I have had the JOY of having to type this all. over. again. Thanks, giant man hands and inappropriately placed back buttons...)

I have kind of forgotten about you, wee little defenseless bloggy friend! I decided to dust this little guy off to be a little overflow place for all the stuff I've got going on in my life. I usually try to keep Facebook posts to like, less than 3 a day and lately it's been hard to do that. I've had a lot going on lately, although a lot of it is on the boring side.  Unfortunately, I like to talk about the boring stuff, and my friends and husband get tired of hearing me spout off about one insignificant thing or another all the time.

So I'm writing it. Excuse me if it's rambly...I've never been one for outlines or drafts. Sorry, not sorry. You came for ill organized rambles, right? Well GOOD NEWS.

1) Cody and I are doing Atkins. I hate every single moment of it. I can't get it together enough in the morning to make myself a proper breakfast, so I end up either being super late or going to Starbucks and sadly peeling the delicious bread off the sandwich. The German inside of me is screaming because BREAD OH MY LORD WHY and the cheap voice of my husband chimes in saying "well you could have made that at home if you would have just gotten it together and stopped checking all of the websites and decided that maybe you didn't HAVE to pluck all stray hairs off your face"

I'm not a morning person.

I also hate that my body is so conditioned to bread and carbs that I throw a little fit every night. I am not sure how to make my brain stop screaming "IF YOU DO NOT PUT A CHUNK OF CIABATTA IN THIS SARLACC PIT I SWEAR I WILL PUSH THE SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON" needless to say I have failed at being completely carb free. It's been 4 days. The only day I went 3/3 meals was Monday when we started. Gold star for me. Then there's Cody who apparently could go his whole life without bread. Overachiever. The only thing that's keeping me plugging along is the fact that I am super chubbsy wubs right now and frankly I really want a kid. Which leads me into the next topic...

2) The Mr. and I are trying for baby!! Unfortunately (TMI, but I don't give a hoot cause this is my blog dammit)  I haven't had a period since August, and it isn't because a small human has moved into my body, which really cramps our style. I haven't had a diagnosis yet, but my doctor is starting me on progesterone. Hopefully all I need is a reboot of sorts, but judging by my luck in other situations I don't think I'm gonna get that lucky. On the bright side, if I have PCOS like I think I do, I can still get pregnant! It's just more work than I really wanted it to be. My mom's whole side got knocked up right away without any trouble, so I can't help to feel like I'm a failure at being a woman. I know I'm not, and it happens to plenty of women, but damn, like, can't I be like my mom who got preggers with me so fast that when it took her a couple months with Paige she thought something was wrong? I'm so jealous. Patience is not a thing I have in excess.

3) I have our dog, Archer, sleeping on my lap right now. I can't even be that upset that I'm busted downstairs because that dog loves me unconditionally and thinks I'm awesome anyway (plus he's the baby and why would he want to give that up).

So yeah, that's about it! I'll probably write a lot about the "infertility" (in quotes because I've only just started doing anything about it and it just seems too extreme so far to say I'm not fertile even though right now, I've got nothing but tumbleweeds down there) because I need to get it out somehow. It's cathartic. And boy oh boy, I will also probably complain a lot about not getting to eat bread freely. God, I iust want a breadstick. =(


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