"Required field must not be blank" I do what I want, Blogger.

Well, things have been looking a little more on the yellow rather than grey side lately. =) And not yellow as in jaundice, but like sunshine, and lemon drops, and daffodils. I'm into yellow lately. Thank god one of the positive genetic rewards I got from probably my mom my parents is the skin tone to wear ALL of the colors.
Obviously i meant this by all of the colors.
That has nothing to do with what I wanted to post about. Mostly I want to post about hot guys--kind of most definitely copying/adapting from my pal Kristen over at Murmurs and Rubs of Life. She's more consistent than I am, and she's a  hoot--so check her out. =) ANYWHO. My other pal Jen & I were on Tumblr the other day looking at, among other things, men who get our lady parts twitterpated. My type is tall, nerdy, skinny dudes that are mostly not part of the wide spread lady spank bank (always classy on this blog).  Without further ado, have some eye candy!

Kirstie's Top 5 Hot Guys (who are also intelligent & funny people) (with bonus videos!!)
1) Josh Groban

I know. You guys were surprised. "No!" you said, confused looks upon your lovely faces."Not that soft looking Jew hair and those sexy glasses that you also kind of have entirely of coincidence! You can't love this man who is weirder than you are & entirely charitable and an all around nice fellow, and whose music makes sweet sweet love to your ears! Also, you can't love his fluffy puff of a dog!" That's what you guys all said. I know this. Anyway...he's a funny funny guy...observe. (also check out Groban's Garden & Josh sings Kanye's Tweets)

2) David Tennant

This skinny little mother-shut-your-mouth. That hair, those glasses, that smile, that accent!!  He's in a ton of things, but most noted as the 10th Doctor in the long running BBC show Doctor Who. (Fun fact: his favorite incarnation of the Doctor is now his father in law. DT's wife played his daughter on an episode of DW which may be the weirdest and most awesome thing ever.)

3) Benedict Cumberbatch

ENGLISHGUY SILLYNAME! He plays Sherlock Holmes (obviously) and has never made so many women root for the bad guy in Star Trek. AND he is really. effing. intelligent. If you have never heard this man speak, put some headphones in and watch this video. 
Jesus H. Christ. If that doesn't go straight downtown then you need to hand in your lady card and go home. Bonus: Chris Pine! Speaking of which...

4) Chris Pine

My GOD  just LOOK at this man! I don't know anything about him other than he was in Princess Diaries 2 & he's going to eventually be from Riverside, IA (IE: he's Captain Kirk) but he just makes me want to lie on the ground and writhe around. Star Trek was a wonderful movie for me. (He is the only one on this list that doesn't really fit into my standard 'type' but i give less than half a crap about that because LOOK AT HIM)

5) John Krasinski

BBY LET ME LOVE YOU. Jim from the Office, Ben Murphy from one of my favorite moves License to Wed, general all around hotness. Again...DAT HAIR.

The consensus of this is that I am a woman who is definitely into hair, & Cody is definitely not my physical type, but he IS cute, and his personality is golden and he puts up with my shit every. freaking. day so I could not ask for a better hubband. =)  (but he also looks a little like JGro in the facial region so I mean take that as you will)
 (if any of you have seen my husband, he makes this face if I pull on his leg hair. Why would I do such a thing? Because LOVE, that's why.)



  1. I want to do naughty, naughty things to Chris Pine and John Krasinski.


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