Arts & Crafts

     Sometimes most of the time I think I'm a giant sack of crap with no skills.

     And then weekends like this happen, when I actually pull some out of my ass. Thankfully, my mother is blessed with a large amount of artistic skill, and is one of the better genetic gifts she gave to me (other than my bitchin' sense of humor and perfect ankles). I can't really debate the fact that I've got artistic skill, I've got my own work up in the second bedroom, and I've got an embarassingly large amount of pencil drawings of Josh Groban throughout the house (one is signed, thank you) (I made sure he didn't see it because oh my god how creeper would that be) (parentheses). I'm just not very good with color.

     I can shade in black & white for the rest of forever and blend like a champion, but throw some colors in front of me & I get all derpy & forget that yellow is a primary color & "oops I ran out of this color blue let's try to make some more oh crap i put too much black in well there's no coming back from that" and, in a surprise to absolutely no one, I get frustrated & quit.

Well, I've been interested in getting a Wacom Bamboo tablet for like, 3 years. Every time we went into Best Buy, I had to visit my little baby. A hundred bucks for a thing that I wasn't sure I'd like was not in our best monetary interest, though, so little prison visits were all I got. Until last month. Cody's parents decided that instead of just sending me a check or gift cards, they were gonna come up and just let me loose & pick out things. Lots of pressure, but i knew the perfect thing. Mr. Baby pen/touch Bamboo tablet!! We got him, & as soon as they left I tore it out of the box & played with it. I started tracing JGro because what better practice in using a new drawing thingy than with eye candy? Hard, but fun. I got nowhere with it, but at least I knew how to use it.

Yesterday I was feeling artsy, & currently deep in the throes of a Benedict Cumberbatch fangirl session. Well why the hell not try to draw someone other than The Grobes? And lo, I did. IN COLOR EVEN. And I've been working on it for almost literally 12 hours solid today. And about 3 yesterday. And it is not done, but I am SO proud of myself for what I've gotten done so far. I cannot stop smiling at it. I don't know whether that's because HNNNGHHH BENNY or because HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOOD AND ALSO IN COLOR, or both.

I'll post the finished product whenever I finish it, which hopefully should be tomorrow, but people want to do things with me so we'll see. I'm gonna go back to it now. =)

DONE!!! There's probably a significant amount of things I could keep working on, but I'm okay with where it's at, and I am SO done. I'm pretty proud of it.
What I did. Look at this fellow, staring at us all sultry-like.  STAHHHP. =)

And a side by side--left original, right mine. mine could use a little more depth but meh, I don't feel like working on it anymore. Looks good enough for me. =)


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