
Showing posts from March, 2013

Sweat is Fat Crying. Also Crying: Me.

  I am not a fitness buff. I am not pumped about going to the gym. I have always abhorred P.E. with the passion reserved for cult leaders and Beliebers. I would much prefer being fed cookie bites by Cody while having palm fronds waved in my general area. Therefore, I am a little beefier than I would prefer.    Our apartment complex, due to lack of a gym in any of the buildings, had a partnership with a local gym, and offered new members free membership & 1 free personal training session. I was bored, & figured I might as well try the training thing. I got sucked in, and that worked out extremely well for me--without even dieting, I lost 20 pounds. I was starting to feel pretty again. (I promise you, that last sentence sounds way sadder than it was. I think I'm pretty now, just with a little more insulation than I really need/want.)    Anyway, my trainer got canned, and I got poor, and the 20 pounds came back with friends.  Now, a normal person would be "well, m

You Say Boring, I say Consistent

Happy St. Patrick's day! I celebrated by staying in my pajamas all day, making a green meal, & eating a homemade shamrock reeses mcflurry made by my slave husband Cody. I am the picture of health AND glamour. Watch for me on the cover of Vogue Italia next month.      The day consisted of Bub & I finishing our 1000 piece puzzle and me looking up houses while lounging on the couch, while he did the laundry & played Skyrim. The puzzle only took us about a week and a half, and cost us not only precious coffee table/foot rest space, but my patience and sanity. Clearly, this kind of day would bother me, if today was opposite day. I mostly enjoy mundane activities. Like I said in my last post, I may be the most boring human alive. I don't know about the rest of you people, but I would rather lounge than go bungee jumping or something. Excitement is low down there on my lists of things that I need. I didn't even study abroad (although I have regrets...another post


Oh geez..this blogger template is kind of intimidating. It's reminding me of an empty word I back in school? OH GOD I DIDN'T DO AN OUTLINE. What is my topic? As of right now, I don't know. I don't cook so I can't really do a cooking blog, I don't work out, so that's shot...I'm literally the most boring person on the planet. This is a quality basis to start a blog out on. Maybe lists? I'm pretty much a champ at lists, and dark comedy. But as I've had a couple good mojitos, dark comedy isn't working right now, plus also my husband is playing Portal 2, and that is distracting me. I feel like I should have my life together, as I AM married, and just bought a new car. That is pretty much not the case. Most days I would much rather just pretend like I was 18, and play video games and sleep most of the day. Maybe go on a run but HAHAHA let's not kid ourselves. Blogs are not for half formed lies. I don't even feel like I&#