
Showing posts from 2014

Tater, tots!

I don't have a topic, or any amount of brain tonight, so a jumble post it is. I know that's what you were hoping for. Complete and utter bollocks. 1) Thanksgiving has come and gone and so have the regrets I had for eating as much as I did. This is my IDGAF face. You can't see me, but trust that I have this face ._. I made pie crust cookies and pumpkin pie and that theme is why I am the way I am. Body by carbs! 2) I'm not irreparably broken, so far!! Kind of was 100% sure I was only going to be a dog mom for the rest of my life which, I mean, at least dogs give you some sort of affection and are excited to see you. Kind of want a human baby in addition to the furry kind but for now, apparently, that's all I get. But maybe in 2 months we'll know more, and maybe I'll have a kid by next Christmas? I have to pretend to stay positive. I also may or may not have bought a gender neutral duckie onesie. SHUT UP 3) There is a chick at work who is super nutso Chri


(I have had the JOY of having to type this all. over. again. Thanks, giant man hands and inappropriately placed back buttons...) I have kind of forgotten about you, wee little defenseless bloggy friend! I decided to dust this little guy off to be a little overflow place for all the stuff I've got going on in my life. I usually try to keep Facebook posts to like, less than 3 a day and lately it's been hard to do that. I've had a lot going on lately, although a lot of it is on the boring side.  Unfortunately, I like to talk about the boring stuff, and my friends and husband get tired of hearing me spout off about one insignificant thing or another all the time. So I'm writing it. Excuse me if it's rambly...I've never been one for outlines or drafts. Sorry, not sorry. You came for ill organized rambles, right? Well GOOD NEWS. 1) Cody and I are doing Atkins. I hate every single moment of it. I can't get it together enough in the morning to make myself a pr