
Showing posts from December, 2013

4 Simple Goals

   The crapton of snow we just got last night makes me realize...holy crap, it's December!! Well, that, and the fact I want to fling myself off a bridge onto a plane heading somewhere, ANYWHERE southern. Everyone else is thinking about parties and booze and gifts & mistletoe & shit, and I'm just thinking about all of the error codes I'm gonna have to put down on my documents at work for the first 3 to 4 months out of the year because I'm derpy enough to not remember it's 2014. Also, for a smaller proportion of time, I'm thinking about resolutions.    There's some statistic (probably) saying that most resolutions are dead by the end of January, if not sooner. Well, obviously I do want to make some goals for myself, and I don't want them to be dead by January because what the hell is the point, then? Most resolutions are lofty, grandiose statements that are (probably) 50% goal & 50% "i want to impress the person who's asking me what

Dusting Cobwebs

I'm not dead. I mean,'re reading this and I can assure you it's not FROM BEYONNNNND. Also check out my Facebook, Twitter, & Tumblr . I've been busy . (and by busy I mean I have been making a pretty solid dent on the couch) I just never feel like I have anything of worth to say. I have lots of little nuggets that get 3 likes on FB and liked by my cousin & one friend on Twitter (SHOUT OUT TO LINDSI & KRISTEN HAYY), but nothing of importance. I could write about how I'm also never on my computer anymore...mostly because it won't charge unless the nubbin for the port is in the EXACT right spot so parking it in front of the tee vee isn't so much an option anymore, but also because I have a smart phone. Finally, I have joined the technology age. Yes, I am 73 years old, actually. Other things I have been up to: Futzing around on my new phone. Things I hate about it: not able to text and drive as well (THANKS, APPLE), the fact that