
Showing posts from May, 2013


I KNOW. I DIDN'T EVEN POST IT ON FACEBOOK. THIS IS A SURPRISE FOR YOU WHEN I EVENTUALLY GET AROUND TO WRITING ANOTHER POST! And to those of you who check my blog every day...well congrats, i guess, your obsessive checking has paid off? But prepare to be disappointed, because I do not come bearing words of whining wisdom, but a link. Anyway, someone has made a post  saying what i've been trying to say for the last however many entries! Thanks to Buzzfeed, I don't have to find my own gifs, and try to muster together organization and things. Laziest blogger alive award goes to me. I find that I relate to pretty much all the late 20 things despite the fact I'm still technically in my early 20s. Does this make me old while being young? I'M A PARADOX, MOFFAT, WRITE ME IN (sorry...we marathoned a lot of Doctor Who today) Well...bedtime. I'll be sleep hungover tomorrow regardless (ADULTHOOD!), but I try to maintain a reasonable amount of time awake vs. sleeping

Treats and Snoozin', Snoozin' & Treats

     Sorry, to those of you who live and breathe my words of wisdom, that I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately. They say to write about what you know, and I am finding that the things I know are things that nobody else really cares about (other than my family and even that is shifty sometimes). I'm either a hipster, or really boring. I'm going to go with really boring, because even though I've got my big black frames and poor posture, and liked Josh Groban before he was cool and enjoy irony and converses & plaid & have a strong penchant for DIY & scarves...maybe I am a hipster. But a boring one. That was the general gist of this first paragraph, I think. Go with it. I like everything about this.  Is there a Hipster Anon meeting I can go to somewhere?      I was thinking about interview questions while at work the other day (what the hell else am I supposed to be doing? working? please). My number 2 hated question is "what hobbies do you have