
Showing posts from April, 2013

"*Cough Cough* I'm sick." "Boo, you whore."

    So I've been trying to ward off an illness for a few days, trying to avoid paying a copay & missing work. For whatever reason, I really avoid the doctor unless 1) I can't fix it myself or 2) it is a very concerning/painful thing. Last night I realized that this COULD be concerning thing lest I let it continue on, and despite my efforts, I can't fix it, so i shot an email to my manager saying I won't be in 'cause I'm sick. So here I am, sitting on crinkly paper, waiting for the doctor (but hey, look at me multitasking, writing my blog entry on my ipod). And I am racked with guilt.      Why?  I'm a natural worrier & guilt haver so I feel bad for calling in when I don't have the standard aches, barfing, or "I wish I was dead" feeling. But I DO have a real reason to be here now, so here's reasons why I shouldn't feel guilty for bailing on work today.  I have a legit illness. One would assume that that's a legit rea

Growing Old Is No Excuse For Growing Up

Probably I should work on being more consistent with this. Turns out, I can't really think of anything funny/mildly amusing when I'm in a mild depression. Just an FYI, to anyone who this isn't totally obvious to, being an adult sucks. Like, big time. Like, if I hear any child saying "i wish I was a grown up", I automatically want to slap the crap out of them. Because I'm an adult.  As far as I can remember, as a tiny wee lass, I only wanted to be 16. I was no fool! I just wanted to drive, and be taller, but still have my parents pay for everything (thank you, mother...). I don't recall ever wanting to 21, or 30, or 70. I think I was excited for college, but again, that's HARDLY being an adult. It's a slightly cooler version of high school, involving gratuitous amounts of booze and the ability to buy Oreos without having to ask. Reasons Why Being An Adult Sucks Harder Than A Dyson Bills. Seriously, who wants to pay for electricity or water?