
Showing posts from 2017

They say we are asleep until we fall in love...

April was very eventful. Cody announced, on his birthday, that he had bought us tickets to New York City to see The Great Comet in June. I cried...who else can say they have a husband willing to be a 3rd wheel to Josh Groban? For 12 years? Probably quite a few based on the strong female following he has...but I digress. The point here is that Cody is the literal actual best. =) Then, later that month, we had our first round of IVF! We put two little embryos in & waited. I had the feeling after the first week that I wasn't pregnant, but kept a little bit of hope just in case, because honestly, who ACTUALLY knows that they're pregnant that soon after? Gut feelings are apparently legit, though, because Luke and Leia didn't stick. I went home early from work, sobbed for a couple of hours, and stared blankly at Mysteries at the Museum until I drifted to sleep. I have mostly dealt with that whole thing with a combination of food therapy (a butt load of pizza) and actual thera