
Showing posts from October, 2016

In which Kirstie dusts off the blog to bitch about being a dud

So, if you haven't noticed, I don't have a kid. Not by choice, but because my body has decided hormonal  anarchy is the best option for everyone (I beg to differ) and refuses to let me ovulate on my own. I am infertile. I am working on being okay with this. If you ever have the "privilege" to use United Healthcare for infertility uh, I would avoid it. Every single time I have had to get injectables (3x now), we've had to argue with them. Now, in the latest debacle, a med they had previously approved they refuse to now because "I don't meet criteria" how the actual hell do I not meet criteria? I DON'T OVULATE ON MY OWN AND THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE MEDICATION IN QUESTION. Also, they will only pay $5,000 lifetime max for meds. If you are so lucky to not be aware, FERTILITY MEDICATIONS ARE EXPENSIVE AF. One round of Menopur is almost $1,500. Gonal-F is more than that. And that's just the medications, I'm leaving out any procedures because