
Showing posts from December, 2014

Tater, tots!

I don't have a topic, or any amount of brain tonight, so a jumble post it is. I know that's what you were hoping for. Complete and utter bollocks. 1) Thanksgiving has come and gone and so have the regrets I had for eating as much as I did. This is my IDGAF face. You can't see me, but trust that I have this face ._. I made pie crust cookies and pumpkin pie and that theme is why I am the way I am. Body by carbs! 2) I'm not irreparably broken, so far!! Kind of was 100% sure I was only going to be a dog mom for the rest of my life which, I mean, at least dogs give you some sort of affection and are excited to see you. Kind of want a human baby in addition to the furry kind but for now, apparently, that's all I get. But maybe in 2 months we'll know more, and maybe I'll have a kid by next Christmas? I have to pretend to stay positive. I also may or may not have bought a gender neutral duckie onesie. SHUT UP 3) There is a chick at work who is super nutso Chri