
Showing posts from July, 2013

"Required field must not be blank" I do what I want, Blogger.

Well, things have been looking a little more on the yellow rather than grey side lately. =) And not yellow as in jaundice, but like sunshine, and lemon drops, and daffodils. I'm into yellow lately. Thank god one of the positive genetic rewards I got from probably my mom my parents is the skin tone to wear ALL of the colors. Obviously i meant this by all of the colors. That has nothing to do with what I wanted to post about. Mostly I want to post about hot guys--kind of most definitely copying/adapting from my pal Kristen over at  Murmurs and Rubs of Life . She's more consistent than I am, and she's a  hoot--so check her out. =) ANYWHO. My other pal Jen & I were on Tumblr the other day looking at, among other things, men who get our lady parts twitterpated. My type is tall, nerdy, skinny dudes that are mostly not part of the wide spread lady spank bank (always classy on this blog).  Without further ado, have some eye candy! Kirstie's Top 5 Hot Guys (who are